An incredible pareidolia in Medjugorje?
We are in Medjugorje, is it a sign of our lady?
An image has surfaced from the sky over Medjugorje – is it a simple pareidolia depicting the Virgin Mary, or is it an image purposely created for the faithful in need of belief? Taken on March 10, 2016.
But what is pareidolia?
Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon that causes a person to perceive familiar meanings or images in random objects or situations. In other words, it is the tendency to see faces, figures, or recognizable shapes in places where they do not exist, such as in clouds, natural structures, or everyday objects. This phenomenon is closely related to our evolutionary ability to recognize faces and figures, a skill that has had adaptive value in our social evolution.
Main features of pareidolia:
- Recognition of faces: Pareidolia is commonly associated with seeing faces in objects like clouds, inkblots, or irregular surfaces (for example, the “face” on the surface of the Moon or in potatoes).
- Interpretation of shapes: It’s not just faces; people can also see familiar forms, such as animals, objects, or stylized figures, in random patterns.
- Evolution and safety: The ability to recognize faces has had evolutionary value because faces are essential for social communication and recognizing potential threats. Therefore, pareidolia could be the result of a “mental circuit” that amplifies this skill.
Common examples of pareidolia:
- Everyday objects: Some people see familiar shapes in everyday objects, such as a face appearing in a car or a human figure in a coffee cup.
- Faces in clouds: Observing a cloud that takes the shape of a human or animal face.
- Images in irregular surfaces: Seeing faces or other figures in objects like wood, stone, or marble, which have veins or imperfections.
In fact, over the years, I’ve come to the conclusion that these pareidolia, which always occur in sacred places, might be intentional acts by this race of malevolent aliens or extraterrestrials, and they serve only to strengthen the faith of believers by giving them a “sign.” The purpose, therefore, is deceptive and misleading.
What do you think?