The XII Egyptian dynasty in contact with aliens

The story of an out-of-time flight

The Encounter “(taken from” The Wonderful Flight of Natita “, by Amaur-ged)

A priest named Natita who lived in the time of Sesostris, the third king of the XII dynasty, describes a flight he made, which he defined as wonderful, on a flying ship. At that time the monarchy had become powerful, the arts in Egypt were already very developed, grandiose buildings adorned with valuable sculptures decorated the main cities. That dynasty died out with Senniofri, sister of Ammene, a last prince.

The priest Natita says that being on the banks of the Nile, not far from the ancient temple of Dendera, he saw a strange and huge bird resting on the sand. Fear advised him to get away, curiosity led him to get closer, especially since two people were standing nearby so it shouldn’t be dangerous, the bird, a voice came to him: “Don’t worry, it’s a flying ship, get on with us and you will be able to observe from above how the earth is made, we expected you since you have reached the age of wisdom and therefore nothing of what you will see will amaze you ”. As soon as he was in the belly of the aircraft, it rose, while the wings moved slowly. Instinctively Natita looked out of a window and saw the immense wings lower and rise, then lower again and rise again; their movement gradually became faster and faster. Below stretched out a vast expanse of water and the priest understood that they were going to a land of which many spoke, but unknown to most.

After having passed the water that today is the Persian Gulf, they arrived on a verdant land with huge forests, furrowed by rivers on whose banks stood cities, in the distance you could see very high mountains. The priest looked fascinated at that landscape covered by thick and verdant vegetation, very different from that of his land where the desert sand predominated and only along the banks of the Nile did herbs and plants grow.

A voice reached him: “What you see is our homeland, it has a very ancient civilization, our science is so advanced that it allows us to fly, look down there on your right”. Natita looked in the direction indicated and saw several flying machines proceeding at various heights and of different sizes. “Our people have succeeded with the help of Beings from the stars to build flying ships that can safely soar into the skies. The ship went down to a clearing near a large city; it was very vast with sumptuous palaces and in the streets a lot of people walked apparently without concern and well-being was to reign. The next morning the skyship rose slowly as the stars paled in the ever-increasing light of day.

Giorgio Pastore

Cesare Valocchia

Cesare Valocchia was born in Rome in 1970. He is a telecommunications specialist with dedicated fibre optics and data transfer curses. He cultivates two main passions: volunteering in 118 ambulances and ufology. Instructor of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation maneuvers for adults and children, he collected his experiences as a volunteer on the means of the 118 national health emergency service in Rome in an ebook entitled “Non dirmi grazie” “Don’t tell me thank you” His motto is: Helping those who suffer is the best payment. He has devoted himself to ufology since the early 1990s, and has been running the website since 2011. He conducted the first analysis on the “dancing” Sun of Medjugorje, which linked the UFO phenomenon to the Marian phenomenon. In May 2017, the article was published in the official journal of the National UFO Center. Further analysis of the sighting of unknown flying objects during the “Sun dance” around the world can be found on his website. He has been a member of the National Ufologic Center since 2019.

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