Are the reptilians a conspiracy?
What if I told you that our planet was apparently ruled by a race of shape-shifting reptilian beings? Simple conspiracy theory?
Believe it or not, this unusual political science fiction scenario has become the focus of historical researchers and spiritual visionaries. Indeed, the resonance of corroborating evidence from science and metaphysics has a synchronicity that is nothing less than astonishing.
The serpent, especially the feathered one, was an important Mesoamerican deity, let’s not forget the Quetzalcoatl adored by the Aztecs, obviously , a staple of the ancient myths and legends of indigenous populations around the world. The assumption has always been, however, that it is a metaphor or allegory and not a literal description of real beings.
What if I told you that they have always lived in the shadow of mankind and come from another dimension?
And what about the stories in the Book of Enoch and the Forbidden Books of the Bible that refer to the Nephilim – literally “those who were cast down to the earth” – and the Guardians, the so-called “Fallen Angels”?
The birth of the kingdom of Shumer
Scholars and historians have been utterly confounded by the sudden rise of Sumerian culture nearly 6,000 years ago in the fertile crescent of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This “sudden civilization” seemed to appear out of nowhere and refused to conform to the popular historical theory of linear development in cultural evolution.
Some scholars addressed the problem directly when they wrote that today we find primitive cultures coexisting with advanced modern societies on every continent…and if 30,000 years ago, while Paleolithic peoples endured in Europe, more advanced cultures existed elsewhere on earth.”
Likewise the rise of the Sumerian people was a great enigma, this civilization suddenly appears out of nowhere, how did it do it?
The ancient land of Sumer is a poor stoneless place where a Neolithic culture evolves from a peasant community to a full-fledged civilization, it is a great place to turn plains and swamps into irrigated farmland… In short, Sumer it is the ideal place to locate a culture that already has the technology necessary for urban life and irrigated agriculture.”
Sumerians had the world’s first medicine and pharmacopoeia. The world’s first brain surgery. The world’s first almanac of agriculture and farmers. The world’s first cosmology and astronomy. The world’s first legal codes. And they used highly advanced technology capable of sophisticated metallurgy, casting, refining and alloying, as well as petroleum fuel refining. More importantly, the Sumerians were responsible for the world’s first genetic engineering.
The historian-archaeologist Zechariah Sitchin in his extensive research describes in great detail the genetic program of interbreeding the Sumerian “gods” through genetic manipulation with ape-like humans.
After spending thirty years studying Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Hittite texts and the Old Testament in the original Hebrew, Sitchin deciphered the ancient scriptures, transcribed them, transliterated them, and finally translated them.
His conclusion? Sitchin writes that Sumerian civilization actually appeared out of nowhere. The precursor to Greek and Roman civilization was started by a highly advanced race of planetary colonists, i.e. aliens or if you prefer, extraterrestrials who came to earth, he says, 300,000 years ago, established their settlements and began their dogged quest for wealth and power by extracting gold and other minerals needed to support their high-tech lifestyle.
And who were these “settlers”? The Sumerians themselves described them as the “gods of heaven and earth”. They were also called “the ancient gods” or “old gods” and, according to Sumerian tradition, had descended to earth from heaven. The UFO phenomenon would have started hundreds of thousands of years ago all over the world and would have been recorded under various forms of communication by different peoples who had first seen them cross the skies and then land.
In the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, the Sumerian gods of heaven and earth are called Nephilim . The Sumerians themselves called the settlers Anunnaki .
The Bible does not specifically mention the Nephilim by name, but Sitchin translates the Bible verses of Genesis 6:4 as:
“The Nephilim were on Earth, in those days and also afterward, when the sons of the gods cohabited with the daughters of Adam and bore children to them. They were the Mighty Ones of Eternity.”
And what does “ Nephilim ” really mean? Normally translated into English as “giants,” the word comes from the Semitic root NFL (“to be hurled”). It means exactly what it says: “Those who were hurled to Earth.”
“Contemporary theologians and biblical scholars have tended to avoid problematic verses,” writes Sitchin , “but Jewish writings of the Second Temple era recognized in these verses echoes of ancient ‘fallen angels’ traditions.”
The Nephilim in the lost books
Apocryphal texts such as the Book of Enoch, the Pseudepigrapha, and other politically incorrect so-called “lost” books of the Bible reflect precise knowledge of angels fallen to Earth. In fact, scholars argue that there were two separate accounts of “falls” of angels. First there was the archangel’s rebellion against God and his fall due to pride, in which he was followed by other angels: the Nephilim . And secondly, there was the story of the angels who “fell” incarnated on Earth longing for the daughters of men – the Watchers.
According to the Book of Enoch, a group of angels led by Semeyaza “fell in love with the daughters of men” and decided to follow them, saying “come, let us choose for ourselves wives from the offspring of men and beget children” . . ” Then all two hundred took an oath and came down to the earth. “Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; who they started to get close to and who they lived with; teaching them witchcraft, spells… Furthermore Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields… Then Michael and Gabriel, Raphael, Suriel and Uriel, looked from heaven and saw the amount of blood that had been shed on the earth and all the iniquity that has been done upon it…”
Indeed, bloodshed, including ritual abuse and human sacrifice through endless wars, are the hallmarks of these creatures.
The reptilian people in ancient texts
Ancient tales collected from secular and religious sources could contain the story of our ancestors coming into contact with alien serpent gods or astronauts who colonized the earth many eons ago.
Indeed, the proof lies in a complete reevaluation of the legends, myths, and “history” of the world. The Sumerian legend of Gilgamesh and Agga highlights this interaction between “humans” and “serpents.” And of course there are the famous “snake gods” of the Indus Valley, the Naga or serpent race of ancient India, and the Hindu epics “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata”, which also deal with serpent gods.
Even in ancient Chinese tales we find similar legends, “ Vih King” describes how the man and the dragon lived peacefully together and even got married. And the serpent gods in American mythology are described in the Mayan book “ Chilam Balam ” where Itzamna , the serpent god, is venerated by the “snake people”.
Too many “coincidences” point to a pattern that has apparently been willfully ignored by mainstream Ivory Tower academics and historians.
An advanced technology in the field of genetic manipulation of the Anunnaki , no more or less like we did with the famous “Dolly” sheep, would have combined the characteristics of the native ape man or Neanderthal with their own saurian nature, producing the so-called Adam of ‘Old Testament creating Adam.
Berossus , the Babylonian priest who wrote to Athens in the 3rd century BC, claimed that the ancestry and origin of man can be traced to ” Oannes “, an amphibious creature known in the Persian Gulf as a half-man, half-fish being for teaching to man how to live. It was a monstrous entity by his account
“ Berossus called him repulsive. He also calls it ‘ musarus ‘, an abomination.
The Sumerian gods regarded humans simply as rebellious children, no more important than domestic animals, to be ruled ruthlessly and without feeling
The Books of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, the Gnostic teachings, the Dead Sea Scrolls , with the testament of Amram , the Haggadah of the oral tradition used in the Talmud of the Jews, the rabbinical writings, the works of Josephus, the Books of Pseudepigrapha, the Book of Jubilees tell of these reptilians.
Who was the snake of Eden?
Carl Sagan cryptically titled one of his books The Dragons of Eden , but ancient Jewish legends describe the Eden serpent as man-like. In other words, he looked like a man and spoke like a man. What does this mean?
The section of the Haggadah dealing with Creation describes the Serpent that inhabited the Garden before the creation of Adam as an upright creature that stood on two feet and was equal in height to the camel.
The serpent was similar to man in many ways. He was tall and stood on two legs. He did all the work of the gods, especially mining and agricultural work. And above all, the Serpent had a superior intellect to Man. These are all the attributes of the Anunnaki ”.
The Haggadah , tells that the bodies of Adam and Eve were covered with a horny skin and furthermore it was said that Adam’s skin ‘was as bright as daylight and covered his body like a bright garment. Adam therefore had the outward appearance of a reptile with his scaly and shiny skin. It was for this reason that Adam and Eve neither wore nor needed clothing for protection.
The reptilian aspect of the biblical gods was a well-kept secret and is only occasionally perceptible in the Old Testament.”
Also in the Haggadah , the source of Jewish legend and oral tradition, it is revealed that Adam and Eve lost their ‘shiny, horny skin’ as a result of eating the forbidden fruit. The Gnostics, rivals of the early Christians, say that after eating the fruit, Adam and Eve achieved knowledge, part of which was realizing that they could reproduce.
The Haggadah also explains what happened in the Garden after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. “The first result was that Adam and Eve became naked. Before their bodies were covered in horny skin and shrouded in a cloud of glory. As soon as they had violated the command given to them, the cloud of glory and the horny skin fell from them and they remained there in their nakedness.”
Why Cain killed Abel
We have always wondered about Cain’s murder of Abel, a 1st century Gnostic document AD , i.e. the Apocalypse of Adam, makes us think because it tells how Adam addresses his son Seth saying “the Lord who created us made a son from himself and from Eve your mother”.
“If the deity were the father of Cain, while Adam begot Abel”
Cain would be semi-divine, part reptilian and more like a ‘god, you can refer to this article on the “Knight of the Serpent”
The apocalyptic version of this text also describes Eve’s dream. He says to Adam: “My Lord, I saw a dream last night, the blood of my son Amilabes , called Abel, was put into the mouth of Cain his brother and he drank it without mercy… And it did not remain in his stomach but came out of his mouth.” They got up to see what had happened and found that Abel had killed Cain.’”
Apparently Cain’s crime was not only to commit fratricide but to eat his brother’s flesh and blood. “This behavior seems more reptilian than human since Cain was generated by the deity unlike his brother who had Adam as a father”
The appearance of alien reptiles
What did the ancient “gods” look like? “The advent of the Anunnaki coincided with the end of this period, when the Earth began to dry up and carnivorous dinosaurs and small mammals appeared”, which needed humidity and heat and this is probably the reason why civilizations were founded so mouth of large river systems: the Nile delta, the Indus river valley and the Tigris Euphrates system”.
“In appearance the serpent gods were tall, at least 8 to 10 feet, and walked on two feet. They had a tail like that of a reptile and tough skin somewhat like that of a lizard but with a large amount of horny or scaly skin. Their skin was generally shiny and smooth, somewhat like that of a chameleon and probably ranged in different shades of green and grey… They had short horns on their heads which they considered a sign of divinity. Humans were repulsive to them because they were hairy, had soft skin, and bony limbs.
Humanity will have to discover the truth about its origins and face the fact that its gods and ancestors were reptiles, true monsters by our current definitions. There will be a big culture shock like we’ve never seen before.”
The Reptilians among us
“Researchers of the reptilian phenomenon conclude that at least some originate in the stellar constellation Draco ,” David Icke investigated the phenomenon at length.
Honestly, I was personally skeptical for years too, but I changed my mind and now I believe they are among us like shape-shifters.
What if these beings occupying roles within the world elite in global power roles are part of these reptilian bloodlines that still control and govern planet Earth as their private galactic fiefdom?
“These bloodlines,” “became the British and European aristocracy and royal families and, thanks to the ‘Great’ British Empire, were exported throughout the world to govern the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and so on.
These genetic lines are manipulated into positions of political, military, media, banking and commercial power and then these positions are held by lower fourth dimensional reptilians hiding behind a human form.
“These same reptilians have occupied the bodies of all major conspiracy players since ancient times”
“The obsession with interbreeding within the bloodstreams of the [Babylonian] Brotherhood stems from the need to preserve genetic inheritance.
It was to hide this truth that they organized the destruction of ancient historical documents, texts and accounts over the centuries as they ravaged and raped the world’s native societies. The reptilians wanted to destroy all memory and records of their previous existence and control in the past. If they could do that, humanity would have no idea that they were being controlled through physical bodies that look human.
Incarnation of the lizard people and religion as a virus
Is “religion” itself therefore a virus insinuated into society by an alien extraterrestrial species for the purposes of social control?
The “Belief Systems ” of the main monotheistic Abrahamic religions arose specifically, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, these systems and their metaphysical teachings by the “gnostics”, were denigrated as “pagan” when instead they always aimed to spread the true gnosis.
After all, even the very word “Gnostic” means “all-knowing,” a pejorative invented by the Roman Church to overthrow its rivals, who called themselves the Sons of Seth. Despite the anti-Gnostic propaganda of the last 2000 years, the enlightened and holistic worldview of the Gnostics has now become increasingly relevant because it so accurately describes the spiritual conflicts of our day.
The Gnostics taught that religion is the elaborate production of aliens who sold the concept of a Savior-Redeemer God off the planet and a master god who in 2000 years has never shown himself to mankind , responsible for the patriarchal mentality and fratricidal approved by the Abrahamic religions.
The Abrahamic religions have promoted and promote the reptilian- alien program, the dogmas and ” salvationist ” doctrines of the Abrahamic religions are probably the work of ” deities ” who work against the spiritual evolution of humanity
The Gnostics called this “god” Yaldabaoth , the name of the Demiurge, a “pseudo-deity claiming to be the creator of the natural world, identified with the biblical father god called Yahweh or Jehovah ”, he and his followers were described as soulless beings or astral-mental parasites who “exaggerate human error and intrude upon humanity with psychic stealth in order to propagate the ideological virus of redemptive religion.”
“Religion” is therefore only an obstacle on the path to spiritual evolution
The perspective of the Gnostics was that this alien belief system imposed on humanity by the “Archons” was the root cause of the spiritual stagnation that humanity endures in the 21st century .
In the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947, and mentioned at the beginning, there appears an explicit account of the meeting of Amram the father of Moses and Aaron with two reptilians.
The document is Amram ‘s Will here’s what it says:
“I saw the Watchers in my vision, the dream vision. Two of them quarreled over me, saying… and making a great contention over me. I asked them, ‘Who are you, that you have such power over me?’ They replied: “We have received power and we govern humanity.” And they said to me, ‘Which of us will have you?’ And I raised my eyes and looked directly at one. Its appearance was terribly frightening, and its skin was made up of multicolored, dark-shimmering scales. (4Q542)
“Endowed with powers of paranormal perception, such as remote viewing, the Gnostic seers who had met and repelled the Archons observed the persistent presence of reptiles in the cult of the Zaddikim of the Dead Sea,” writes Lash. The First Apocalypse of James (NHL V, 3), which contains descriptions of face-to-face encounters with reptilian aliens, warns that “Jerusalem is the abode of many Archons.”
The shedding of blood through satanic ritual murders and wars replenishes the energies they feed on. Negative emotions such as fear, anguish, pain, the desire to heal from an illness are another source of their so-called power and sustenance because they fall into the low frequency range on which they feed.
In this site I mainly deal with evil entities behind the Marian apparitions which I have always believed to be a deception used by evil aliens, I have no proof that they are the reptiles I have spoken about extensively but it is fundamental that the Catholic-Christian belief derived from monotheism continues
How to defend yourself then? To reach a higher state of consciousness it is necessary not to feed them, hatred, envy, fear, anguish, pain, bad thoughts and typical human negative emotions are often part of the emotional sphere of the faithful gathered during the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the hope of obtaining “the grace”
Opening your heart and mind is essential to free yourself from this yoke.
Negative emotions are the key to freedom.