Aliens: good or bad?
A famous alien abduction
What do we know about the Pascagoula UFO? Today I want to bring you the transcript of the dialogues between
The Church and the aliens
Ufos in paintings: Two discoveries
Unknown objects in painting UFO novelties in the painting of the “500”. How many of us have sometimes believed to
Are the reptilians a conspiracy?
What if I told you that our planet was apparently ruled by a race of shape-shifting reptilian beings? Simple conspiracy
Declassified sighting files
The Hungarian Roswell! How did the UFO fall in Hungary?
An extraterrestrial mystery between truth and cover-ups Hungary has been the site of several UFO sightings throughout history, but some
Images and unrecognized sigthings
The UFOs of Popocateptl
UFOs in Volcanoes Why is there a UFO interest in volcanoes? A series of videos that shoot nearby objects and